Every year, the Blood Transfusion Center (CTS for its initials in French) of the HUG collects some 18,000 bags of blood. To do this, it relies on a large network of around 11,000 regular donors. Nevertheless, these donations are unfortunately not enough to meet all our actual needs. Effectively, more than 22,000 bags of blood are used by the HUG each year, including those used to treat patients who have been in accidents and those undergoing operations. To meet these needs and to replace the people who stop donating blood, the CTS needs to recruit 3,000 new donors per year.
The project aims to improve the conditions of donor reception and care so that donors are more comfortable during donation, more informed, and more likely to faithfully return to the Blood Transfusion Center to donate again.
project manager
Dr. Sophie Waldvogel Abramowski, Deputy Head Physician and Unit Manager, Hematology Division, Department of Medical Specialties, Geneva University Hospitals
Ms. Monique Hess, Division Nurse Manager, Hematology Division, Department of Medical Specialties, Geneva University Hospitals
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