The patients of Trois-Chêne Unit 4 all have a loss of autonomy: whether following a surgery post-fracture or post-prosthesis or following a disease. During their hospital stay, they receive rehabilitation care from physical therapists and occupational therapists. The unit’s healthcare team in turn contributes to this recovery during daily care tasks by stimulating patients, encouraging them to move, encouraging them to receive visitors, etc.
The project entails renovating the existing common area and creating a new outside area adjacent to it. The combination will be a convivial space that encourages going out, moving around, taking walks in the park, etc. Creation of a fresco is also planned; it will be designed by artists from the Anouk Foundation and co-funded by that organization and the Private Foundation of the HUG. The combination encourages patient autonomy and rehabilitation
PROJEct manager
Ms. Michèle Cos, Unit Nurse Manager, Trois-Chêne Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Division, Department of General Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Geriatrics, Geneva University Hospitals
Galerie photo