Chronic Kidney Disease and New Avenues of Treatment

Improving prevention of chronic renal complications and finding new avenues of treatment


One in three patients in intensive care has serious renal insufficiency, which significantly increases the risk of death. In the long term, 20% of these patients will develop a chronic kidney disease that will majorly impact their daily life.
The connection between the condition of serious renal insufficiency and developing a chronic kidney disease is an important subject in today’s research.



This project consists of developing a two-year translational research program to identify risk factors at the cellular level of developing a chronic kidney disease.


project managers

Professor Sophie De Seigneux, Deputy Head Physician and Clinical Professor, Nephrology Division, Department of Medical Specialties, Geneva University Hospitals and University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. sjdf ji, Deputy Head Physician and Clinical Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology, and Intensive Care, Geneva University Hospitals, University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine