The HUG’s cultural affairs group organized an art contest to improve the ambiance by decorating the 80-meter-long hallway that connects the Opéra and Gustave Julliard buildings and is traversed by an incessant flow of patient beds.
The project that won the contest was that of illustrator Thomas Perrodin, for Opera of the Whales, a massive work (480m2) that creates a dreamworld landscape in the hallway. The artist sought to suggest tranquility and a visual enlargement of the hallway through a succession of rolling hills, mountains descending to the edge of the sea, and whales dancing in the sky. The surroundings are thus more enjoyable and less stressful for all who pass through this hallway.
où en sommes-nous ?
Mars 2018 : La fresque a été réalisée par Thomas Perrodin et égaye dorénavant les couloirs de l'Hôpital pour le plus grand bonheur des patients et des collaborateurs.
Project Manager
Ms. Michèle Lechevalier, Cultural Affairs Division, Communications Management, Geneva University Hospitals
Galerie photo