Limiting the Stress of a Parent Whose Child Is in Intensive Care

Provide a dedicated space for parents to let them be closer to their children in intensive care


For parents whose children are being treated in intensive care, the wait is often long, repetitive, and anguishing. In these distressing moments, it would be helpful if they could wait, and talk with healthcare providers, in the absence of other children and the watchful eyes of other visitors. The children in treatment, meanwhile, need to know that their parents are nearby.



This project consists in renovating, enlarging, and better equipping a room reserved for parents in order to lessen their stress and allow them to at least have the comfort they need while they’re at the hospital. The space, which is equipped with a kitchenette, a sitting area, and a guest bed, was conceived and designed by an architect and patient’s mother who provided her services to the project.


project managers

Dr. Alice Bordessoule, Deputy Head Physician, Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Division, Children and Adolescents Department, Geneva University Hospitals
Ms. Véronique Launoy, Unit Nurse Manager, Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Division, Children and Adolescents Department, Geneva University Hospitals